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Christhian Vigh and France Won the 2016 PHP Innovation Award Edition

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Categories: PHP Innovation Award, Lately in PHP Podcast

The results of the PHP Programming Innovation Award edition of 2016 were announced and the winner is Christian Vigh from France. Collectively France also won the championship by countries thanks to the contributions the year of Christian Vigh, Lionel Lebeau and Chi Hoang.

The site interviewed the winners to know them better. Listen to the winner interview or watch the interview hangout video, and read the interviews with the France team winners to learn more about the outstanding innovative packages that allowed them to win the 2016 award and how they can be contacted in case you are interested to hire them.

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Christian Vigh: Winner of the PHP Innovation Award of 2016

France: PHP Innovation Award Championship Winner of 2016 by Country: Interviews with the country winners

Interview with Christian Vigh (podcast audio and hangout video)

Christian Vigh: Winner of the PHP Innovation Award of 2016

Picture of Christian VighChristian Vigh is a PHP developer from the France that has been programming since many years ago.

He won the 2016 PHP Programming Innovation Award edition with 12 nominated packages and 95 points. He actually submitted more packages in 2016 but not all were considered innovative.

Christian also helped the France to win the PHP Innovation Award championship by country of 2016.

Christian Vigh is available to be hired by companies interested in a developer with these skills. Interested companies should send a message Dave using his contact page in the PHP Classes site. You may find more about his story and the nominated packages in the interview below in this article.

Here is the final ranking of the Innovation Award nominees of 2016:

1Christian VighFrance1295
2Dave SmithUnited States654
3Johnny MastThe Netherlands341
4Luciano SalvinoArgentina440
5Lars MoellekenGermany437
6Bharat ParmarIndia334
7Bruno Henrique Ferreira de OliveiraBrazil332
8Kiril SavchevBulgaria428
9Aleksey NemiroRussian Federation227
9Mohamed ElbahjaMorocco227

France: PHP Innovation Award Championship Winner of 2016 by Country: Interviews with the country winners

Here is the final ranking of the 2016 Innovation Award Championship by countries:

2United StatesUnited States16125
4Russian FederationRussian Federation1085
6The NetherlandsThe Netherlands557

Here follow interviews with PHP Innovation Award nominees that helped the France.

Lionel F. Lebeau

Can you tell a bit more about yourself? I mean, where did you come from, where do you live, and what do you do?

Picture of Lionel F. LebeauWell, I live in France, near Paris. I worked many years on computers in 80s and 90s then had a break of three years (travelling and small jobs). Then worked again, first not in computing, then back in computers.

Finally had enough and launched my first website (while still working, I'm not crazy) which has become the main one.

Can you talk about briefly about each one of your nominated packages and why did you develop them?

Get All Words was created in response of a request on PHP Classes. It was easy to write, but I wanted it to be able to deal with many languages and to make it easy to adapt to personal needs.

Neuron Message transmission is different. It was a test and I was waiting for critics and suggestions, but got none...

It's a very basic message transmitter but will be used to implement a more complex system using pcntl or theads (need php7-zts) an micro expert systems (When I'll have enough time...).

Do you plan to send more innovative classes soon to the site? What are your plans?

Probably not soon because I am working on the next generation of my main website, but I have some ideas and a project with a friend.

Can you tell me one thing that you like about the PHP Classes, one thing that you would like to be improved, and one thing that you think it is missing and you would like to be implemented in the site?

One thing to improve : files with non ASCII characters. For example, with my "Get All Words" class, I have examples in Chinese. The Chinese ideograms are displayed as "?". It would be great if PHP Classes could display them, especially as it is international.

Another improvement would be to be able to create folders. Actually, if we want to, we have to use github, which I prefer not to use.

Other than that, I really like PHP Classes. I have found some great ideas.

Chi Hoang

Can you tell a bit more about yourself? I mean, where did you come from, where do you live, and what do you do?

I am from Germany currently living in France and I am hoping to find some work in the IT industry, especially because I am a  Web site developer looking forward to become a full stack developer, Android (Java) and c# developer.

Can you talk about briefly about each one of your nominated packages and why did you develop them?

Faster PHP IP2Location

This class implements a faster method to find the location of IP addresses. It can take a IP2Location database file and generates list files that are faster to search. The class uses the data in those list files to lookup for the location a given IP addresses. It was the winner of the 2016 IP2Location PHP library optimization contest with 39.8% faster query time!

Vehicle Simulator

This package can simulate the functions of different vehicle types. It provides a generic vehicle class that provides functions like drive, travel, arrived, pick, etc.. Other functionality can be added to a vehicle object that using component objects of decorator classes.

Calls to new functions are delegated to the decorator objects. The package provides component classes to add an engine and wheels to the vehicle. It was an interview question but it only get me to the next step of the interview process.

Do you plan to send more innovative classes soon to the site? What are your plans?

Yes. Personally I like to improve my social skills but I am also looking for solvers for geographic and graphic solutions.

Do you think this Innovation Award will help you get better opportunities or you are not sure?

Yes, I think the Innovation Award is a great opportunity to solve computational problems and meet other developers. I like the idea to improve my coding skills with sharing code and competition.

Can you tell me one thing that you like about the PHP Classes, one thing that you would like to be improved, and one thing that you think it is missing and you would like to be implemented in the site?

1.. The idealism of sharing the code and the competition.

2. The Innovation award can be better for example with a topic.

3. I missing the paid articles.

4. Good work but the site design hurts in the eye! :-)

Interview with Christian Vigh (podcast audio, hangout video)

Click on the Play button to listen now.

Introduction music Harbour used with explicit permission from the author Danilo Ercole, from Curitiba, Brazil

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