Tiny Address Book
This demo application shows the design and programming techniques used in my projects. Some of the components of vRegistry framework are used. All the code is original (except some standard functions).
The database consists of contacts and towns tables containing First & Last Name, Street, Postcode and Town data. The records can be added, deleted or modified. The table can be browsed and saved in XML format. Double-clicking on the row selects the record for editing. The towns list must be edited outside.
The demo is uploaded on [arc.vregistry.com].
Design & programming
OOP MVC principles are followed both on the back and front end. The AJAX is used for client-server communications. See [app.vregistry.com] regarding the techniques.
Webserver: Apache or IIS supporting PHP and MySql
PHP: version 5.4+, PDO mysql and sqlite extensions
MySql: version 5+, Innodb engine
JavaScript: 1.5+ version
Browser: any common (IE, FF, Chrome, Safari, Opera,...), newer version
Unpack the abk.zip to your local/remote webserver retaining the folder structure. Create and load the MySql database from the sql files supplied. Find/change the connection properties in the configuration file /pri/abk/abk.xml (node db):
nme - database name
usr - access username
pwd - access password
pfx - database and username prefix (if hosting requires)
File structure
The files are arranged in folders according to their scope and functionality.
The root folder contains default startup. The folders:
pri - private server-side files; subfolders:
+ abk - application files
+ sys - framework files
+ tmp - temporary workfiles
pub - public client-side files; subfolders:
+ js - JavaScript code
+ css - stylesheets
+ pic - images
dev - miscellaneous development data
The abk and sys folders (may) have the subfolders:
_act - actions PHP code *.php
_css - dynamic CSS code *.css
_js - dynamic JavaScript code *.js
_lib - PHP classes *.php
_srv - action's PHP services *.inc
_tpl - htm templates *.phtml
index.php - startup
php.php - check PHP version
pri/.htaccess - deny access
pri/gateway - common data gateway
pri/startup - bootstrap
dev/abook_data.sql - MySql data loading queries
dev/abook_struc.sql - MySql structure queries
pri/abk/abk.db - dictionary
pri/abk/abk.xml - configuration
pri/abk/_act/abook.php - main panel creator
pri/abk/_act/browse.php - browse panel creator
pri/abk/_act/finish.php - bye panel creator
pri/abk/_act/shell.php - layout creator
pri/abk/_css/shell.css - layout style
pri/abk/_js/abook.js - editor/browser class
pri/abk/_lib/Frontal.php - front controller class
pri/abk/_srv/abook.inc - data manipulation
pri/abk/_srv/browse.inc - browse services
pri/abk/_tpl/abook.phtml - panel template
pri/abk/_tpl/browse.phtml - browse template
pri/abk/_tpl/shell.phtml - layout template
pri/sys/_act/download.php - file download dialogue
pri/sys/_lib/Base.php - base functionality class
pri/sys/_lib/Common.php - common methods & properties class
pri/sys/_lib/Database.php - database abstraction layer class
pri/sys/_lib/IData.php - database I/O layer interface
pri/sys/_lib/Mypdo.php - PDO I/O layer
pri/sys/_lib/Texts.php - multilingual texts class
pri/sys/_tpl/exit.phtml - finish/error panel template
pri/sys/_tpl/exits.phtml - exit panel shell template
Mar 2017
- shell design correction
[app.vregistry.com]: http://app.vregistry.com/hlp/en/spgm
[arc.vregistry.com]: http://arc.vregistry.com/abk/