/* Parse movielist.txt, add single results to db, offer choice for multi-records
Don't modify without written authorization
Created by: Randy Gerritse
Email: [email protected]
©2003, All rights reserved.
================================================================================ */
$list = file("movielist.txt");
foreach ($list as $item) {
$imdb = new IMDBSearch($item);
if (!isset($imdb->imdb_result["multiple"])) {
$indb = $connection->execute($sql->checkID($imdb->imdb_result["id"]));
if (count($indb) <= 0) {
//add the movie
//get the movie genres
if (count($imdb->imdb_result["genre"]) > 0) {
foreach ($imdb->imdb_result["genre"] as $genre) {
//create the genre if not existent
$genres = $connection->execute($sql->getGenre($genre));
if (count($genres) <= 0) {
$genreid = $connection->execute($sql->createGenre(strtolower($genre)));
} else {
$gen = current($genres);
$genreid = $gen["id"];
//add the movie to the genre
//get the movie cast
if (count($imdb->imdb_result["cast"]) > 0) {
foreach ($imdb->imdb_result["cast"] as $actor) {
//create the actor if not existent
$actors = $connection->execute($sql->getActor($actor["Name"]));
if (count($actors) <= 0) {
$actorid = $connection->execute($sql->createActor($actor["Name"]));
} else {
$act = current($actors);
$actorid = $act["id"];
//add the actor to the movie
//get the directors
if (count($imdb->imdb_result["directors"]) > 0) {
foreach ($imdb->imdb_result["directors"] as $director) {
//create the director if not existent
$directors = $connection->execute($sql->getDirector($director["name"]));
if (count($directors) <= 0) {
$directorid = $connection->execute($sql->createDirector($director["name"]));
} else {
$dir = current($directors);
$directorid = $dir["id"];
//add the director to the movie
echo '('.$imdb->imdb_result["rating"].') '.$imdb->imdb_result["title"].' (id = '.$imdb->imdb_result["id"].')<br>';
} else {
//echo the multiple listings...
if (count($imdb->imdb_result["multiple"]) > 0) {
$break = 0;
foreach ($imdb->imdb_result["multiple"] as $key=>$val) {
$indb = $connection->execute($sql->checkID($key));
if (count($indb) > 0)
$break = 1;
if ($break != 1) {
echo "we found multiple records for \"$item\":<br>";
foreach ($imdb->imdb_result["multiple"] as $alt) {
echo '<a href="new.php?item='.$alt["Id"].'" target="_BLANK">'.$alt["Title"].'</a> (<a href="'.IMDB_URL.$alt["Id"].'" target="_BLANK">IMDB</a>)<br>';
echo "<hr>";