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File: about.txt

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File: about.txt
Role: Documentation
Content type: text/plain
Description: Explanation of the different files
Class: IMDBSearch
Search the Internet Movie DataBase
Author: By
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Date: 21 years ago
Size: 1,251 bytes


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IMDBSearch get moviedetails from the Internet Movie DataBase and save them in a local database CLASSES - Connection.php the MySql db connection class - Sql.php class that contains all the sql queries used - IMDBSearch.php the application class LIBS - lib-debug.php easy debug functions for displaying values CONFIG FILES - constanten.php the usual config file - init.php includes and initiates the required files (including config values and classes) - imdb.sql sql file to create the required tables APPLICATION FILES - index.php overview of the movies already stored in the local database - movielist.txt example list of movietitles that can be parsed by this application - list.php parses the movielist.txt file and adds all items that have 1 found record directly to the local db (if not already present) offers a choice when multiple records have been found - new.php is called from list.php if a user has clicked one of the 'multiple records'-options adds the chosen title to the local db - test.php takes a parameter (q) that can contain an imdb id or a movie title displays a formatted print_r of the array containing the found results used as an example of what IMDBSearch returns (for developers)