namespace RedUNIT\Base;
use RedUNIT\Base as Base;
use RedBeanPHP\Facade as R;
use RedBeanPHP\ModelHelper as ModelHelper;
use RedBeanPHP\RedException as RedException;
use RedBeanPHP\OODBBean as OODBBean;
use RedBeanPHP\OODB as OODB;
use RedBeanPHP\ToolBox as ToolBox;
use RedBeanPHP\QueryWriter as QueryWriter;
use RedBeanPHP\Adapter as Adapter;
use RedBeanPHP\BeanHelper\SimpleFacadeBeanHelper as SimpleFacadeBeanHelper;
* Tests whether we can associate model logic on-the-fly
* by defining models extending from SimpleModel. Tests
* whether the calls to facade trigger the corresponding
* methods on the model.
* @file RedUNIT/Base/Fuse.php
* @desc Tests Fuse feature; coupling beans to models.
* @author Gabor de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community
* @license New BSD/GPLv2
* (c) G.J.G.T. (Gabor) de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community.
* This source file is subject to the New BSD/GPLv2 License that is bundled
* with this source code in the file license.txt.
class Fuse extends Base
* Hook into the jsonSerialize function #651
* Allow models to provide a jsonSerialize return.
* This test uses the Coffee Helper Model to add
* a description to the JSON representation of the bean.
* @return void
public function testFUSEJSonSerialize()
if ( phpversion() < 5.4 ) return;
$coffee = R::dispense( 'coffee' );
$coffee->variant = 'Tropical';
$coffee->strength = 4;
$json = json_encode( $coffee );
$array = json_decode( $json, TRUE );
asrt( isset( $array['description'] ), TRUE );
asrt( $array['description'], 'Tropical.4' );
* Test whether we can override the getModelForBean() method
* of the BeanHelper and use a custom BeanHelper to attach a model
* based on type.
* @return void
public function testCustomBeanHelper()
$customBeanHelper = new \SoupBeanHelper( R::getToolbox() );
$oldBeanHelper = R::getRedBean()->getBeanHelper();
asrt( ( $oldBeanHelper instanceof SimpleFacadeBeanHelper ), TRUE );
R::getRedBean()->setBeanHelper( $customBeanHelper );
$meal = R::dispense( 'meal' );
asrt( ( $meal->box() instanceof \Model_Soup ), TRUE );
$cake = R::dispense( 'cake' );
asrt( is_null( $cake->box() ), TRUE );
$bean = R::dispense( 'coffee' );
asrt( ( $bean->box() instanceof \Model_Coffee ), TRUE );
$meal->setFlavour( 'tomato' );
asrt( $meal->getFlavour(), 'tomato' );
$meal->rating = 5;
R::store( $meal );
asrt( $meal->getFlavour(), 'tomato' );
$meal = $meal->unbox();
asrt( $meal->getFlavour(), 'tomato' );
$meal = R::findOne( 'meal' );
asrt( ( $meal->box() instanceof \Model_Soup ), TRUE );
asrt( $meal->getFlavour(), '' );
$meal->setFlavour( 'tomato' );
asrt( $meal->getFlavour(), 'tomato' );
$meal = $meal->unbox();
asrt( $meal->getFlavour(), 'tomato' );
R::getRedBean()->setBeanHelper( $oldBeanHelper );
* Test FUSE hooks (i.e. open, update, update_after etc..)
* @return void
public function testHooks()
$probe = R::dispense( 'probe' );
$probe->name = 'test';
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount(), 1 );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount( 'dispense' ), 1 );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount( 'open' ), 0 );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount( 'update' ), 0 );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount( 'after_update' ), 0 );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount( 'delete' ), 0 );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount( 'after_delete' ), 0 );
asrt( ( $probe->getDataFromLog( 0, 'bean' ) === $probe ), TRUE );
R::store( $probe );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount(), 3 );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount( 'dispense' ), 1 );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount( 'open' ), 0 );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount( 'update' ), 1 );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount( 'after_update' ), 1 );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount( 'delete' ), 0 );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount( 'after_delete' ), 0 );
asrt( ( $probe->getDataFromLog( 2, 'bean' ) === $probe ), TRUE );
$probe = R::load( 'probe', $probe->id );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount(), 2 );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount( 'dispense' ), 1 );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount( 'open' ), 1 );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount( 'update' ), 0 );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount( 'after_update' ), 0 );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount( 'delete' ), 0 );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount( 'after_delete' ), 0 );
asrt( ( $probe->getDataFromLog( 0, 'bean' ) === $probe ), TRUE );
asrt( ( $probe->getDataFromLog( 1, 'id' ) === $probe->id ), TRUE );
R::trash( $probe );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount(), 2 );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount( 'dispense' ), 0 );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount( 'open' ), 0 );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount( 'update' ), 0 );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount( 'after_update' ), 0 );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount( 'delete' ), 1 );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount( 'after_delete' ), 1 );
asrt( ( $probe->getDataFromLog( 0, 'bean' ) === $probe ), TRUE );
asrt( ( $probe->getDataFromLog( 1, 'bean' ) === $probe ), TRUE );
//less 'normal scenarios'
$probe = R::dispense( 'probe' );
$probe->name = 'test';
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount(), 1 );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount( 'dispense' ), 1 );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount( 'open' ), 0 );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount( 'update' ), 0 );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount( 'after_update' ), 0 );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount( 'delete' ), 0 );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount( 'after_delete' ), 0 );
asrt( ( $probe->getDataFromLog( 0, 'bean' ) === $probe ), TRUE );
R::store( $probe );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount(), 3 );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount( 'dispense' ), 1 );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount( 'open' ), 0 );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount( 'update' ), 1 );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount( 'after_update' ), 1 );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount( 'delete' ), 0 );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount( 'after_delete' ), 0 );
asrt( ( $probe->getDataFromLog( 2, 'bean' ) === $probe ), TRUE );
asrt( $probe->getMeta( 'tainted' ), FALSE );
asrt( $probe->getMeta( 'changed' ), FALSE );
R::store( $probe ); //not tainted, no FUSE save!
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount(), 3 );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount( 'dispense' ), 1 );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount( 'open' ), 0 );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount( 'update' ), 1 );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount( 'after_update' ), 1 );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount( 'delete' ), 0 );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount( 'after_delete' ), 0 );
asrt( ( $probe->getDataFromLog( 2, 'bean' ) === $probe ), TRUE );
$probe->xownProbeList[] = R::dispense( 'probe' );
//tainted, not changed, triggers FUSE
asrt( $probe->getMeta( 'tainted' ), TRUE );
asrt( $probe->getMeta( 'changed' ), FALSE );
R::store( $probe );
asrt( $probe->getMeta( 'tainted' ), FALSE );
asrt( $probe->getMeta( 'changed' ), FALSE );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount(), 5 );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount( 'dispense' ), 1 );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount( 'open' ), 0 );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount( 'update' ), 2 );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount( 'after_update' ), 2 );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount( 'delete' ), 0 );
asrt( $probe->getLogActionCount( 'after_delete' ), 0 );
asrt( ( $probe->getDataFromLog( 2, 'bean' ) === $probe ), TRUE );
* Tests the SimpleFacadeBeanHelper factory setter.
* @return void
public function testFactory()
SimpleFacadeBeanHelper::setFactoryFunction( function( $name ) {
$model = new $name();
$model->setNote( 'injected', 'dependency' );
return $model;
} );
$bean = R::dispense( 'band' )->box();
asrt( ( $bean instanceof \Model_Band ), TRUE );
asrt( ( $bean->getNote('injected') ), 'dependency' );
SimpleFacadeBeanHelper::setFactoryFunction( NULL );
* Make sure that beans of type book_page can be fused with
* models like BookPage (beautified) as well as Book_Page (non-beautified).
* @return void
public function testBeautificationOfLinkModel()
$page = R::dispense( 'page' );
$widget = R::dispense( 'widget' );
$page->sharedWidgetList[] = $widget;
R::store( $page );
$testReport = \Model_PageWidget::getTestReport();
asrt( $testReport, 'didSave' );
$page = R::dispense( 'page' );
$gadget = R::dispense( 'gadget' );
$page->sharedGadgetList[] = $gadget;
R::store( $page );
$testReport = \Model_Gadget_Page::getTestReport();
asrt( $testReport, 'didSave' );
* Only theoretical.
* @return void
public function testTheoreticalBeautifications()
$bean = R::dispense('bean');
$bean->setMeta('type', 'a_b_c');
$testReport = \Model_A_B_C::getTestReport();
asrt( $testReport, 'didSave' );
* Test extraction of toolbox.
* @return void
public function testGetExtractedToolBox()
$helper = new SimpleFacadeBeanHelper;
list( $redbean, $database, $writer, $toolbox ) = $helper->getExtractedToolbox();
asrt( ( $redbean instanceof OODB ), TRUE );
asrt( ( $database instanceof Adapter ), TRUE );
asrt( ( $writer instanceof QueryWriter ), TRUE );
asrt( ( $toolbox instanceof ToolBox ), TRUE );
* Test FUSE and model formatting.
* @todo move tagging tests to tag tester.
* @return void
public function testFUSE()
$toolbox = R::getToolBox();
$adapter = $toolbox->getDatabaseAdapter();
$blog = R::dispense( 'blog' );
$blog->title = 'testing';
$blog->blog = 'tesing';
R::store( $blog );
$blogpost = R::load( "blog", 1 );
$post = R::dispense( "post" );
$post->message = "hello";
$blog->sharedPost[] = $post;
$a = R::getAll( "select * from blog " );
R::tag( $post, "lousy,smart" );
asrt( implode( ',', R::tag( $post ) ), "lousy,smart" );
R::tag( $post, "clever,smart" );
$tagz = implode( ',', R::tag( $post ) );
asrt( ( $tagz == "smart,clever" || $tagz == "clever,smart" ), TRUE );
R::tag( $blog, array( "smart", "interesting" ) );
asrt( implode( ',', R::tag( $blog ) ), "smart,interesting" );
try {
R::tag( $blog, array( "smart", "interesting", "lousy!" ) );
} catch ( RedException $e ) {
asrt( implode( ',', R::tag( $blog ) ), "smart,interesting,lousy!" );
asrt( implode( ",", R::tag( $blog ) ), "smart,interesting,lousy!" );
R::untag( $blog, array( "smart", "interesting" ) );
asrt( implode( ",", R::tag( $blog ) ), "lousy!" );
asrt( R::hasTag( $blog, array( "lousy!" ) ), TRUE );
asrt( R::hasTag( $blog, array( "lousy!", "smart" ) ), TRUE );
asrt( R::hasTag( $blog, array( "lousy!", "smart" ), TRUE ), FALSE );
R::tag( $blog, FALSE );
asrt( count( R::tag( $blog ) ), 0 );
R::tag( $blog, array( "funny", "comic" ) );
asrt( count( R::tag( $blog ) ), 2 );
R::addTags( $blog, array( "halloween" ) );
asrt( count( R::tag( $blog ) ), 3 );
asrt( R::hasTag( $blog, array( "funny", "commic", "halloween" ), TRUE ), FALSE );
R::unTag( $blog, array( "funny" ) );
R::addTags( $blog, "horror" );
asrt( count( R::tag( $blog ) ), 3 );
asrt( R::hasTag( $blog, array( "horror", "commic", "halloween" ), TRUE ), FALSE );
// No double tags
R::addTags( $blog, "horror" );
asrt( R::hasTag( $blog, array( "horror", "commic", "halloween" ), TRUE ), FALSE );
asrt( count( R::tag( $blog ) ), 3 );
* Test error handling options FUSE.
public function testModelErrorHandling()
$test = R::dispense( 'feed' );
$old = R::setErrorHandlingFUSE( OODBBean::C_ERR_LOG );
asrt( is_array( $old ), TRUE );
asrt( count( $old ), 2 );
asrt( $old[0], FALSE );
asrt( $old[1], NULL);
$test->nonExistantMethod(); //we cant really test this... :(
$old = R::setErrorHandlingFUSE( OODBBean::C_ERR_NOTICE );
asrt( is_array( $old ), TRUE );
asrt( count( $old ), 2 );
asrt( $old[0], OODBBean::C_ERR_LOG );
asrt( $old[1], NULL);
set_error_handler(function($error, $str) {
asrt( $str, 'FUSE: method does not exist in model: nonExistantMethod' );
$old = OODBBean::setErrorHandlingFUSE( OODBBean::C_ERR_WARN );
asrt( is_array( $old ), TRUE );
asrt( count( $old ), 2 );
asrt( $old[0], OODBBean::C_ERR_NOTICE );
asrt( $old[1], NULL);
set_error_handler(function($error, $str) {
asrt( $str, 'FUSE: method does not exist in model: nonExistantMethod' );
$old = OODBBean::setErrorHandlingFUSE( OODBBean::C_ERR_FATAL );
asrt( is_array( $old ), TRUE );
asrt( count( $old ), 2 );
asrt( $old[0], OODBBean::C_ERR_WARN );
asrt( $old[1], NULL);
set_error_handler(function($error, $str) {
asrt( $str, 'FUSE: method does not exist in model: nonExistantMethod' );
$old = OODBBean::setErrorHandlingFUSE( OODBBean::C_ERR_EXCEPTION );
asrt( is_array( $old ), TRUE );
asrt( count( $old ), 2 );
asrt( $old[0], OODBBean::C_ERR_FATAL );
asrt( $old[1], NULL);
try {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
global $test_bean;
$test_bean = $test;
global $has_executed_error_func_fuse;
$has_executed_error_func_fuse = FALSE;
$old = OODBBean::setErrorHandlingFUSE( OODBBean::C_ERR_FUNC, function( $info ){
global $has_executed_error_func_fuse;
global $test_bean;
$has_executed_error_func_fuse = TRUE;
asrt( is_array( $info ), TRUE );
asrt( $info['method'], 'nonExistantMethod' );
asrt( json_encode( $info['bean']->export() ), json_encode( $test_bean->export() ) );
asrt( $info['message'], 'FUSE: method does not exist in model: nonExistantMethod' );
} );
asrt( is_array( $old ), TRUE );
asrt( count( $old ), 2 );
asrt( $old[0], OODBBean::C_ERR_EXCEPTION );
asrt( $old[1], NULL);
asrt( $has_executed_error_func_fuse, TRUE );
$old = OODBBean::setErrorHandlingFUSE( OODBBean::C_ERR_IGNORE );
asrt( is_array( $old ), TRUE );
asrt( count( $old ), 2 );
asrt( $old[0], OODBBean::C_ERR_FUNC );
asrt( is_callable( $old[1] ), TRUE );
$old = OODBBean::setErrorHandlingFUSE( OODBBean::C_ERR_IGNORE );
asrt( is_array( $old ), TRUE );
asrt( count( $old ), 2 );
asrt( $old[0], OODBBean::C_ERR_IGNORE );
asrt( $old[1], NULL);
try {
OODBBean::setErrorHandlingFUSE( 900 );
} catch (\Exception $e) {
asrt( $e->getMessage(), 'Invalid error mode selected' );
try {
OODBBean::setErrorHandlingFUSE( OODBBean::C_ERR_FUNC, 'hello' );
} catch (\Exception $e) {
asrt( $e->getMessage(), 'Invalid error handler' );
OODBBean::setErrorHandlingFUSE( OODBBean::C_ERR_EXCEPTION );
//make sure ignore FUSE events
$test = R::dispense('feed');
R::store( $test );
$test = $test->fresh();
R::trash( $test );
OODBBean::setErrorHandlingFUSE( OODBBean::C_ERR_IGNORE );