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File: vendor/gabordemooij/redbean/testing/RedUNIT/Base/Dispense.php

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File: vendor/gabordemooij/redbean/testing/RedUNIT/Base/Dispense.php
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namespace RedUNIT\Base;

RedUNIT\Base as Base;
RedBeanPHP\Facade as R;
RedBeanPHP\RedException as RedException;
RedBeanPHP\Facade as Facade;
RedBeanPHP\OODBBean as OODBBean;
RedBeanPHP\Util\DispenseHelper as DispenseHelper;

 * Dispense
 * Tests whether we can dispense beans and tests all
 * features of the dispense/dispenseAll functions.
 * @file RedUNIT/Base/Dispense.php
 * @desc Tests bean dispensing functionality.
 * @author Gabor de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community
 * @license New BSD/GPLv2
 * (c) G.J.G.T. (Gabor) de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community.
 * This source file is subject to the New BSD/GPLv2 License that is bundled
 * with this source code in the file license.txt.
class Dispense extends Base
     * Test whether findOrDispense and findOneOrDispense
     * will trigger same validation Exception for invalid
     * bean types as R::dispense(). Github issue #546.
     * @return void
public function testIssue546()
        try {
R::findOrDispense( 'invalid_type' );
        } catch (
RedException $exception ) {
        try {
R::findOneOrDispense( 'invalid_type' );
        } catch (
RedException $exception ) {
        try {
DispenseHelper::checkType( 'invalid_type' );
        } catch (
RedException $exception ) {

     * Test dispense.
     * @return void
public function testBasicsDispense()
$redbean = R::getRedBean();
// Can we dispense a bean?
$page = $redbean->dispense( "page" );
// Does it have a meta type?
asrt( ( (bool) $page->getMeta( "type" ) ), TRUE );
// Does it have an ID?
asrt( isset( $page->id ), TRUE );
// Type should be 'page'
asrt( ( $page->getMeta( "type" ) ), "page" );
// ID should be 0 because bean does not exist in database yet.
asrt( ( $page->id ), 0 );
// Try some faulty dispense actions.
foreach ( array( "", ".", "-") as $value ) {
            try {
$redbean->dispense( $value );
            } catch (
RedException $e ) {
$bean = $redbean->dispense( "testbean" );
$bean["property"] = 123;
$bean["abc"] = "def";
asrt( $bean["property"], 123 );
asrt( $bean["abc"], "def" );
asrt( $bean->abc, "def" );
asrt( isset( $bean["abd"] ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $bean["abc"] ), TRUE );

     * Tests the facade-only dispenseAll method.
     * @return void
public function testDispenseAll()
$book, $page ) = Facade::dispenseAll( 'book,page' );
asrt( ( $book instanceof OODBBean ), TRUE );
asrt( ( $page instanceof OODBBean ), TRUE );
asrt( $book->getMeta( 'type' ), 'book');
asrt( $page->getMeta( 'type' ), 'page');
$book, $page, $texts, $mark ) = R::dispenseAll( 'book,page,text*2,mark' );
asrt( ( $book instanceof OODBBean ), TRUE );
asrt( ( $page instanceof OODBBean ), TRUE );
asrt( is_array( $texts ), TRUE );
asrt( ( $mark instanceof OODBBean ), TRUE );
asrt( $book->getMeta( 'type'), 'book' );
asrt( $page->getMeta( 'type'), 'page' );
asrt( $mark->getMeta( 'type'), 'mark' );
asrt( $texts[0]->getMeta( 'type'), 'text' );
asrt( $texts[1]->getMeta( 'type'), 'text' );
$eggs, $milk, $butter ) = R::dispenseAll( 'eggs*3,milk*1,butter*9' );
asrt( count( $eggs ), 3 );
asrt( ( $milk instanceof OODBBean ), TRUE );
asrt( count( $butter ), 9 );
$eggs, $milk, $butter ) = R::dispenseAll( 'eggs*3,milk*1,butter*9', TRUE );
asrt( count( $eggs ), 3 );
asrt( count( $milk ), 1 );
asrt( count( $eggs ), 3 );
$beer ) = R::dispenseAll( 'beer*0', TRUE );
asrt( is_array( $beer ), TRUE );
asrt( count( $beer ), 0 );
$beer ) = R::dispenseAll( 'beer*0', FALSE );
asrt( is_array( $beer ), FALSE );
asrt( is_null( $beer ), TRUE );

     * Tests different return values of dispense().
     * @return void
public function testDispenseArray()
$oodb = R::getRedBean();
$array = $oodb->dispense( 'book', 0, TRUE );
asrt( is_array( $array ), TRUE );
$array = $oodb->dispense( 'book', 1, TRUE );
asrt( is_array( $array ), TRUE );
$array = $oodb->dispense( 'book', 2, TRUE );
asrt( is_array( $array ), TRUE );
$array = R::dispense( 'book', 0, TRUE );
asrt( is_array( $array ), TRUE );
$array = R::dispense( 'book', 1, TRUE );
asrt( is_array( $array ), TRUE );
$array = R::dispense( 'book', 2, TRUE );
asrt( is_array( $array ), TRUE );
$array = $oodb->dispense( 'book', 0, FALSE );
asrt( is_array( $array ), FALSE );
asrt( is_null( $array ), TRUE );
$array = $oodb->dispense( 'book', 1, FALSE );
asrt( is_array( $array ), FALSE );
asrt( ( $array instanceof OODBBean ), TRUE );
$array = $oodb->dispense( 'book', 2, FALSE );
asrt( is_array( $array ), TRUE );
$array = R::dispense( 'book', 0, FALSE );
asrt( is_array( $array ), FALSE );
$array = R::dispense( 'book', 1, FALSE );
asrt( is_array( $array ), FALSE );
$array = R::dispense( 'book', 2, FALSE );
asrt( is_array( $array ), TRUE );
$array = $oodb->dispense( 'book', 0 );
asrt( is_array( $array ), FALSE );
asrt( is_null( $array ), TRUE );
$array = $oodb->dispense( 'book', 1 );
asrt( is_array( $array ), FALSE );
asrt( ( $array instanceof OODBBean ), TRUE );
$array = $oodb->dispense( 'book', 2 );
asrt( is_array( $array ), TRUE );
$array = R::dispense( 'book', 0 );
asrt( is_array( $array ), FALSE );
$array = R::dispense( 'book', 1 );
asrt( is_array( $array ), FALSE );
$array = R::dispense( 'book', 2 );
asrt( is_array( $array ), TRUE );