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File: vendor/gabordemooij/redbean/RedBeanPHP/Util/Look.php

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File: vendor/gabordemooij/redbean/RedBeanPHP/Util/Look.php
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namespace RedBeanPHP\Util;

RedBeanPHP\OODBBean as OODBBean;
RedBeanPHP\ToolBox as ToolBox;

 * Look Utility
 * The Look Utility class provides an easy way to generate
 * tables and selects (pulldowns) from the database.
 * @file RedBeanPHP/Util/Look.php
 * @author Gabor de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community
 * @license BSD/GPLv2
 * @copyright
 * copyright (c) G.J.G.T. (Gabor) de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community
 * This source file is subject to the BSD/GPLv2 License that is bundled
 * with this source code in the file license.txt.
class Look
     * @var Toolbox
protected $toolbox;

     * Constructor.
     * The MatchUp class requires a toolbox
     * @param ToolBox $toolbox
public function __construct( ToolBox $toolbox )
$this->toolbox = $toolbox;

     * Takes an full SQL query with optional bindings, a series of keys, a template
     * and optionally a filter function and glue and assembles a view from all this.
     * This is the fastest way from SQL to view. Typically this function is used to
     * generate pulldown (select tag) menus with options queried from the database.
     * Usage:
     * <code>
     * $htmlPulldown = R::look(
     * 'SELECT * FROM color WHERE value != ? ORDER BY value ASC',
     * [ 'g' ],
     * [ 'value', 'name' ],
     * '<option value="%s">%s</option>',
     * 'strtoupper',
     * "\n"
     * );
     * The example above creates an HTML fragment like this:
     * <option value="B">BLUE</option>
     * <option value="R">RED</option>
     * to pick a color from a palette. The HTML fragment gets constructed by
     * an SQL query that selects all colors that do not have value 'g' - this
     * excludes green. Next, the bean properties 'value' and 'name' are mapped to the
     * HTML template string, note that the order here is important. The mapping and
     * the HTML template string follow vsprintf-rules. All property values are then
     * passed through the specified filter function 'strtoupper' which in this case
     * is a native PHP function to convert strings to uppercase characters only.
     * Finally the resulting HTML fragment strings are glued together using a
     * newline character specified in the last parameter for readability.
     * In previous versions of RedBeanPHP you had to use:
     * R::getLook()->look() instead of R::look(). However to improve useability of the
     * library the look() function can now directly be invoked from the facade.
     * @param string $sql query to execute
     * @param array $bindings parameters to bind to slots mentioned in query or an empty array
     * @param array $keys names in result collection to map to template
     * @param string $template HTML template to fill with values associated with keys, use printf notation (i.e. %s)
     * @param callable $filter function to pass values through (for translation for instance)
     * @param string $glue optional glue to use when joining resulting strings
     * @return string
public function look( $sql, $bindings = array(), $keys = array( 'selected', 'id', 'name' ), $template = '<option %s value="%s">%s</option>', $filter = 'trim', $glue = '' )
$adapter = $this->toolbox->getDatabaseAdapter();
$lines = array();
$rows = $adapter->get( $sql, $bindings );
$rows as $row ) {
$values = array();
$keys as $key ) {
                if (!empty(
$filter)) {
$values[] = call_user_func_array( $filter, array( $row[$key] ) );
                } else {
$values[] = $row[$key];
$lines[] = vsprintf( $template, $values );
$string = implode( $glue, $lines );