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File: CSSQuery.php

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File: CSSQuery.php
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Class: CSS Query
Get elements from an HTML page using CSS selectors
Author: By
Last change: corrected my horrible typing errors
changed the attribute filter handling to match the entire operator
Date: 15 years ago
Size: 47,877 bytes


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<?php /** * This package contains one class for using Cascading Style Sheet * selectors to retrieve elements from a DOMDocument object similarly * to DOMXPath does with XPath selectors * * PHP version 5 * * @category HTML * @package CSSQuery * @author Sam Shull <> * @copyright Copyright (c) 2009 Sam Shull <> * @license <> * @version 1.4 * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * * CHANGES: * 06-08-2009 - added normalize-space function to CSSQuery::className * and removed unecessary sprintf(s) in favor of " strings * and fixed runtime pass-by-reference errors * 07-14-2009 - added references and type hinting to many of the functions * in order to improve performance a little * 07-25-2009 - added support for class (.) and id (#) as filters (div#id.class) * 08-05-2009 - corrected my horrible typing errors * changed the attribute filter handling to match the entire operator */ /** * Perform a CSS query on a DOMDocument using DOMXPath * * <code> * $doc = new DOMDocument(); * $doc->loadHTML('<html><body><p>hello world</p></body></html>'); * $css = new CSSQuery($doc); * print count( $css->query("p:contains('hello world')") ); * </code> * * * @category HTML * @package CSSQuery * @author Sam Shull <> * @copyright Copyright (c) 2009 Sam Shull <> * @license <> * @version Release: @package_version@ * @link * @since Class available since Release 1.0 */ class CSSQuery { /** * This PCRE string matches one valid css selector at a time * * @const string */ const CHUNKER = '/^\s*([#\.>~\+:\[,]?)\s*(\*|[^\*#\.>~\+:\[\]\)\(\s,]*)/'; /** * This PCRE string matches one psuedo css selector at a time * * @const string */ const PSUEDO = '/^\s*:([\w\-]+)\s*(\(\s*([^\(\)]*(\([^\(\)]*\))?)?\s*\))?\s*/'; /** * This PCRE string matches one css attribute selector at a time * * @const string */ const ATTRIBUTES = '/\[@?([\w\-]+(\|[\w\-]+)?)\s*((\S*=)\s*([\'"]?)(?(5)([^\\5]*)\\5|([^\]]+)))?\s*\]/i'; /** * An array of functions representing psuedo selectors * * @access public * * @staticvar array */ public static $filters; /** * An array of functions representing attribute selectors * * @access public * * @staticvar array */ public static $attributeFilters; /** * An instance of DOMXPath for finding the information on the document * * @access public * * @var DOMXPath */ public $xpath; /** * The document that the queries will originate from * * @access public * * @var DOMDocument */ public $document; /** * Initialize the object - opens a new DOMXPath * * @access public * * @param DOMDocument $document */ public function __construct (DOMDocument &$document) { $this->xpath = new DOMXPath($document); $this->document =& $document; } /** * register a namespace * * @access public * * @param string $prefix * @param string $URI * * @returns boolean */ public function registerNamespace ($prefix, $URI) { return $this->xpath->registerNamespace($prefix, $URI); } /** * Get an array of DOMNodes that match a CSS query expression * * @access public * * @param string $expression * @param mixed $context - a DOMNode or an array of DOMNodes * * @returns array */ public function query ($expression, $context=null) { $original_context = func_num_args() < 3 ? $context : func_get_arg(2); $current = $context instanceof DOMNode ? array($context) : self::makeArray($context); $new = array(); $m = array(''); if ($expression && preg_match(self::CHUNKER, $expression, $m)) { //replace a pipe with a semi-colon in a selector //for namespace uses $m[2] = $m[2] ? str_replace('|', ':', $m[2]) : '*'; switch ($m[1]) { case ',': { $new = $this->query(ltrim(substr($expression, strpos($expression, $m[1]) + 1)), array(), $original_context); $new = array_merge($current, $new); return self::unique($new); } //#id case '#': { $new = $this->id($m[2], $current); break; } //.class case '.': { $new = $this->className($m[2], $current); break; } // > child case '>': { $new = $this->children($m[2], $current); break; } // + adjacent sibling case '+': { $new = $this->adjacentSibling($m[2],$current); break; } // ~ general sibling case '~': { $new = $this->generalSibling($m[2], $current); break; } //:psuedo-filter case ':': { if ($m[2] == 'root') { $new = array($this->document->documentElement); } //a psuedo selector is a filter elseif (preg_match(self::PSUEDO, $expression, $n)) { if ($n[1] && isset(self::$filters[$n[1]]) && is_callable(self::$filters[$n[1]])) { if (!$current) { $current = $this->xpath->query('//*'); $current = self::makeArray($current); } $i = 0; foreach ($current as $elem) { if ($item = call_user_func(self::$filters[$n[1]], $elem, $i++, $n, $current, $this)) { if ($item instanceof DOMNode) { if (self::inArray($item, $new) < 0) { $new[] = $item; } } //usually boolean elseif (is_scalar($item)) { if ($item) { $new[] = $elem; } } else { $new = array_merge($new, self::makeArray($item)); $new = self::unique($new); } } } } else { throw new Exception("Unknown psuedo-filter: {$m[2]}, in {$expression}"); } //set this for the substr $m[0] = $n[0]; } else { throw new Exception("Unknown use of semi-colon: {$m[2]}, in {$expression}"); } break; } //[attribute="value"] filter case '[': { if (preg_match(self::ATTRIBUTES, $expression, $n)) { //change a pipe to a semi-colon for namespace purposes $n[1] = str_replace('|', ':', $n[1]); if (!isset($n[4]) || !$n[4]) { $n[4] = ''; $n[6] = null; } if (!isset(self::$attributeFilters[$n[4]]) || !is_callable(self::$attributeFilters[$n[4]])) { //print_r($n); //thrown if there is no viable attributeFilter function for the given operator throw new Exception("Unknown attribute filter: {$n[4]}"); } if (!$current) { $current = $this->xpath->query('//*'); $current = self::makeArray($current); } foreach ($current as $elem) { if (true === call_user_func(self::$attributeFilters[$n[4]], $elem, $n[1], $n[6], $n, $current)) { $new[] = $elem; } } //set this for the substr $m[0] = $n[0]; } else { //only thrown if query is malformed throw new Exception("Unidentified use of '[' in {$m[0]}"); } break; } //just a tag - i.e. any descendant of the current context default: { $new = $this->tag($m[2], $current); break; } } //check for # or . as filter $exp = substr($expression, strlen($m[0])); while ($exp && ($exp[0] == "." || $exp[0] == "#")) { if (preg_match(self::CHUNKER, $exp, $m)) { $expression = $exp; $new = $m[1] == "." ? $this->className($m[2], $new, true) : $this->id($m[2], $new, true); $exp = substr($expression, strlen($m[0])); } } } return strlen($m[0]) < strlen($expression) ? $this->query(substr($expression, strlen($m[0])), $new, $original_context) : self::unique($new); } /** * get an element by its id attribute * * @access public * * @param string $id * @param array $context * * @returns array */ public function id (&$id, array &$context=array(), $filter=false) { $new = array(); //if a context is present - div#id should act like a filter if ($filter || $context) { foreach ($context as $elem) { if ($elem instanceof DOMElement && $elem->hasAttribute('id') && $elem->getAttribute('id') == $id) { $new[] = $elem; } } } elseif (($items = $this->xpath->query("//*[@id='{$id}']")) && $items->length > 0) { foreach ($items as $item) { $new[] = $item; } } return $new; } /** * get an element by its class attribute * * @access public * * @param string $id * @param array $context * * @returns array */ public function className (&$className, array &$context=array(), $filter=false) { $new = array(); if ($filter && $context) { $regex = '/\s+' . preg_quote($className, '/') . '\s+/'; foreach ($context as $elem) { if ($elem->hasAttribute('class') && preg_match($regex, " {$elem->getAttribute('class')} ")) { $new[] = $elem; } } } //if there is a context for the query elseif ($context) { //06-08-2009 - added normalize-space function, $query = "./descendant::*[ @class and contains( concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' {$className} ') ]"; foreach ($context as $elem) { if ( ($items = $this->xpath->query($query, $elem)) && $items->length > 0 ) { foreach ($items as $item) { $new[] = $item; } } } } //otherwise select any element in the document that matches the selector elseif (($items = $this->xpath->query("//*[ @class and contains( concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' {$className} ') ]")) && $items->length > 0) { foreach ($items as $item) { $new[] = $item; } } return $new; } /** * get the children elements * * @access public * * @param string $tag * @param array $context * * @returns array */ public function children (&$tag='*', array &$context=array()) { $new = array(); $query = "./{$tag}"; //if there is a context for the query if ($context) { foreach ($context as $elem) { if (($items = $this->xpath->query($query, $elem)) && $items->length > 0) { foreach ($items as $item) { $new[] = $item; } } } } //otherwise select any element in the document that matches the selector elseif (($items = $this->xpath->query($query, $this->document->documentElement)) && $items->length > 0) { foreach ($items as $item) { $new[] = $item; } } return $new; } /** * get the adjacent sibling elements * * @access public * * @param string $tag * @param array $context * * @returns array */ public function adjacentSibling (&$tag='*', array &$context=array()) { $new = array(); $tag = strtolower($tag); //if there is a context for the query if ($context) { foreach ($context as $elem) { if ($tag == '*' || strtolower($elem->nextSibling->nodeName) == $tag) { $new[] = $elem->nextSibling; } } } return $new; } /** * get the all sibling elements * * @access public * * @param string $tag * @param array $context * * @returns array */ public function generalSibling (&$tag='*', array &$context=array()) { $new = array(); //if there is a context for the query if ($context) { $query = "./following-sibling::{$tag} | ./preceding-sibling::{$tag}"; foreach ($context as $elem) { if (($items = $this->xpath->query($query, $elem)) && $items->length > 0) { foreach ($items as $item) { $new[] = $item; } } } } return $new; } /** * get the all descendant elements * * @access public * * @param string $tag * @param array $context * * @returns array */ public function tag (&$tag='*', array &$context=array()) { $new = array(); //get all the descendants with the given tagName if ($context) { $query = "./descendant::{$tag}"; foreach ($context as $elem) { if ($items = $this->xpath->query($query, $elem)) { foreach ($items as $item) { $new[] = $item; } } } } //get all elements with the given tagName else { if ($items = $this->xpath->query("//{$tag}")) { foreach ($items as $item) { $new[] = $item; } } } return $new; } /** * A utility function for calculating nth-* style psuedo selectors * * @static * @access public * * @param DOMNode $context - the element whose position is being calculated * @param string $func - the name of the psuedo function that is being calculated for * @param string $expr - the string argument for the selector * @param DOMXPath $xpath - an existing xpath instance for the document that the context belong to * * @returns boolean */ public static function nthChild (DOMNode &$context, $func, $expr, DOMXPath &$xpath) { //remove all the whitespace $expr = preg_replace('/\s+/', '', trim(strtolower($expr))); //all if ($expr == 'n' || $expr == 'n+0' || $expr == '1n+0' || $expr == '1n') { return true; } //the direction we will look for siblings $DIR = (stristr($func, 'last') ? 'following' : 'preceding'); //do a tagName check? $type = stristr($func, 'type') ? '[local-name()=name(.)]' : ''; //the position of this node $count = $xpath->evaluate("count( {$DIR}-sibling::*{$type} ) + 1", $context); //odd if($expr == 'odd' || $expr == '2n+1') { return $count % 2 != 0; } //even elseif($expr == 'even' || $expr == '2n' || $expr == '2n+0') { return $count > 0 && $count % 2 == 0; } //a particular position elseif(preg_match('/^([\+\-]?\d+)$/i', $expr, $mat)) { $d = (stristr($func, 'last') ? -1 : 1) * intval($mat[1]); $r = $xpath->query(sprintf('../%s', $type ? $context->tagName : '*'), $context); return $r && $r->length >= abs($d) && ($d > 0 ? $r->item($d - 1)->isSameNode($context) : $r->item($r->length + $d)->isSameNode($context)); } //grouped after a particular position elseif(preg_match('/^([\+\-]?\d*)?n([\+\-]\d+)?/i', $expr, $mat)) { $a = (isset($mat[2]) && $mat[2] ? intval($mat[2]) : 0); $b = (isset($mat[2]) && $mat[2] ? intval($mat[2]) : 1); return ($a == 0 && $count == $b) || ($a > 0 && $count >= $b && ($count - $b) % $a == 0) || ($a < 0 && $count <= $b && (($b - $count) % ($a * -1)) == 0); } return false; } /** * A utility function for filtering inputs of a specific type * * @static * @access public * * @param mixed $elem * @param string $type * * @returns boolean */ public static function inputFilter (&$elem, $type) { $t = trim(strtolower($type)); //gotta be a -DOMNode- DOMElement return $elem instanceof DOMElement && //with the tagName input strtolower($elem->tagName) == 'input' && ( ($t == 'text' && !$elem->hasAttribute('type')) || ($t == 'button' && strtolower($e->tagName) == "button") || ( //and the attribute type $elem->hasAttribute('type') && //the attribute type should match the given variable type case insensitive trim(strtolower($elem->getAttribute('type'))) == $t ) ); } /** * A utility function for making an iterable object into an array * * @static * @access public * * @param array|Traversable $arr * * @return array */ public static function makeArray (&$arr) { if (is_array($arr)) { return array_values($arr); } $ret = array(); if ($arr) { foreach ($arr as $elem) { $ret[count($ret)] = $elem; } } return $ret; } /** * A utility function for stripping duplicate elements from an array * works on DOMNodes * * @static * @access public * * @param array|Traversable $arr * * @returns array */ public static function unique (&$arr) { //first step make sure all the elements are unique $new = array(); foreach ($arr as $current) { if ( //if the new array is empty //just put the element in the array empty($new) || ( //if it is not an instance of a DOMNode //no need to check for isSameNode !($current instanceof DOMNode) && !in_array($current, $new) ) || //do DOMNode test on array self::inArray($current, $new) < 0 ) { $new[] = $current; } } return $new; } /** * A utility function for determining the position of an element in an array * works on DOMNodes, returns -1 on failure * * @static * @access public * * @param mixed $elem * @param array|Traversable $arr * * @returns integer */ public static function inArray (DOMNode &$elem, $arr) { $i = 0; foreach ($arr as $current) { //if it is an identical object or a DOMElement that represents the same node if ($current === $elem || ($current instanceof DOMNode && $current->isSameNode($elem))) { return $i; } $i += 1; } return -1; } /** * A utility function for filtering elements from an array or array-like object * * @static * @access public * * @param mixed $elem * @param array|Traversable $arr * * @returns array */ public static function filter ($array, $func) { $ret = array(); if (!is_callable($func)) { return $array; } foreach ($array as $n => $v) { if (false !== call_user_func($func, $v, $n, $array, $this)) { $ret[] = $v; } } return $ret; } /** * A static function designed to make it easier to get the info * * @static * @access public * * @param string $query * @param mixed $context * @param array|Traversable $ret - passed by reference * * @return array */ public static function find ($query, $context, $ret=null) { $new = array(); //query using DOMDocument if ($context instanceof DOMDocument) { $css = new self($context); $new = $css->query($query); } elseif ($context instanceof DOMNodeList) { if ($context->length) { $css = new self($context->item(0)->ownerDocument); $new = $css->query($query, $context); } } //should be an array if it isn't a DOMNode //in which case the first element should be a DOMNode //representing the desired context elseif (!($context instanceof DOMNode) && count($context)) { $css = new self($context[0]->ownerDocument); $new = $css->query($query, $context); } //otherwise use the ownerDocument and the context as the context of the query else { $css = new self($context->ownerDocument); $new = $css->query($query, $context); } //if there is a place to store the newly selected elements if ($ret) { //append the newly selected elements to the given array|object //or if it is an instance of ArrayAccess just push it on to the object if (is_array($ret)) { $new = array_merge($ret, $new); $new = self::unique($new); $ret = $new; } elseif (is_object($ret)) { if ($ret instanceof ArrayAccess) { foreach ($new as $elem) { $ret[count($ret)] = $elem; } } //appending elements to a DOMDocumentFragment is a fast way to move them around elseif ($ret instanceof DOMDocumentFragment) { foreach ($new as $elem) { //appendChild, but don't forget to verify same document $ret->appendChild( !$ret->ownerDocument->isSameNode($elem->ownerDocument) ? $ret->ownerDocument->importNode($elem, true) : $elem); } } //otherwise we need to find a method to use to attach the elements elseif (($m = method_exists($ret, 'push')) || method_exists($ret, 'add')) { $method = $m ? 'push' : 'add'; foreach ($new as $elem) { $ret->$method($elem); } } elseif (($m = method_exists($ret, 'concat')) || method_exists($ret, 'concatenate')) { $method = $m ? 'concat' : 'concatenate'; $ret->$method($new); } } //this will save the selected elements into a string elseif (is_string($ret)) { foreach ($new as $elem) { $ret .= $elem->ownerDocument->saveXML($elem); } } } return $new; } } /** * this creates the default filters array on the CSSQuery object * * <code> * //prototype function (DOMNode $element, integer $i, array $matches, array $context, CSSQuery $cssQuery); * CSSQuery::$filters['myfilter'] = create_function('', ''); * * </code> */ CSSQuery::$filters = new RecursiveArrayIterator(array( //CSS3 selectors 'first-child' => create_function('DOMNode &$e,$i,&$m,&$a,CSSQuery &$c', 'return !$e->isSameNode($e->ownerDocument->documentElement) && $c->xpath->query("../*[position()=1]", $e)->item(0)->isSameNode($e);'), 'last-child' => create_function('DOMNode &$e,$i,&$m,&$a,CSSQuery &$c', 'return !$e->isSameNode($e->ownerDocument->documentElement) && $c->xpath->query("../*[last()]", $e)->item(0)->isSameNode($e);'), 'only-child' => create_function('DOMNode &$e,$i,&$m,&$a,CSSQuery &$c', 'return !$e->isSameNode($e->ownerDocument->documentElement) && $e->parentNode->getElementsByTagName("*")->length == 1;'), 'checked' => create_function('DOMNode &$e', 'return strtolower($e->tagName) == "input" && $e->hasAttribute("checked");'), 'disabled' => create_function('DOMNode &$e', 'return $e->hasAttribute("disabled") && stristr("|input|textarea|select|button|", "|".$e->tagName."|") !== false;'), 'enabled' => create_function('DOMNode &$e', 'return !$e->hasAttribute("disabled") && stristr("|input|textarea|select|button|", "|".$e->tagName . "|") !== false && (!$e->hasAttribute("type") || strtolower($e->getAttribute("type")) != "hidden");'), //nth child selectors "nth-child" => create_function('DOMNode &$e,$i,&$m,&$a,CSSQuery &$c', 'return CSSQuery::nthChild($e, "nth-child", $m[3], $c->xpath);'), "nth-last-child" => create_function('DOMNode &$e,$i,&$m,&$a,CSSQuery &$c', 'return CSSQuery::nthChild($e, "nth-last-child", $m[3], $c->xpath);'), "nth-of-type" => create_function('DOMNode &$e,$i,&$m,&$a,CSSQuery &$c', 'return CSSQuery::nthChild($e, "nth-of-type", $m[3], $c->xpath);'), "nth-last-of-type" => create_function('DOMNode &$e,$i,&$m,&$a,CSSQuery &$c', 'return CSSQuery::nthChild($e, "nth-last-of-type", $m[3], $c->xpath);'), "first-of-type" => create_function('DOMNode &$e,$i,&$m,&$a,CSSQuery &$c', 'return call_user_func(CSSQuery::$filters["nth-of-type"], $e, $i, array(0,1,1,1), $a, $c);'), "last-of-type" => create_function('DOMNode &$e,$i,&$m,&$a,CSSQuery &$c', 'return call_user_func(CSSQuery::$filters["nth-last-of-type"],$e, $i, array(0,1,1,1), $a, $c);'), "only-of-type" => create_function('DOMNode &$e,$i,&$m,&$a,CSSQuery &$c', 'return call_user_func(CSSQuery::$filters["first-of-type"], $e, $i, $m, $a, $c) && call_user_func(CSSQuery::$filters["last-of-type"], $e, $i, $m, $a, $c);'), //closest thing to the lang filter "lang" => create_function('DOMNode &$e,$i,$m,$a,CSSQuery &$c', 'return $c->xpath->evaluate( sprintf( "count(./ancestor-or-self::*[@lang and (@lang =". " \"%s\" or substring(@lang, 1, %u)=\"%s-\")])", $m[3], strlen($m[3]) + 1, $m[3] ), $e ) > 0;'), //negation filter "not" => create_function('DOMNode &$e,$i,$m,$a,CSSQuery &$c', 'return CSSQuery::inArray($e, $c->query(trim($m[3]))) == -1;'), //element has no child nodes "empty" => create_function('DOMNode &$e', 'return !$e->hasChildNodes();'), //element has child nodes that are elements "parent" => create_function('DOMNode &$e', 'return ($n = $e->getElementsByTagName("*")) && $n->length > 0;'), //get the parent node of the current element "parent-node" => create_function('DOMNode &$e,$i,$m,$a,CSSQuery &$c', '//if there is no filter just return the first parentNode if (!$m || !isset($m[3]) || !trim($m[3])) return $e->parentNode; //otherwise if the filter is more than a tagName return preg_match("/^(\*|\w+)([^\w]+.+)/", trim($m[3]), $n) ? CSSQuery::find(trim($n[2]), $c->xpath->query("./ancestor::{$n[1]}", $e)) //if the filter is only a tagName save the trouble : $c->xpath->query(sprintf("./ancestor::%s", trim($m[3])), $e);'), //get the ancestors of the current element "parents" => create_function('DOMNode &$e,$i,&$m,&$a,CSSQuery &$c', '$r = $c->xpath->query("./ancestor::*", $e); return $m && isset($m[3]) && trim($m[3]) ? CSSQuery::find(trim($m[3]), $r) : $r;'), //the element has nextSiblings "next-sibling" => create_function('DOMNode &$e', 'return ($n = $e->parentNode->getElementsByTagName("*")) && !$n->item($n->length-1)->isSameNode($e);'), //the element has previousSiblings "previous-sibling" => create_function('DOMNode &$e', 'return !$e->parentNode->getElementsByTagName("*")->item(0)->isSameNode($e);'), //get the previousSiblings of the current element "previous-siblings" => create_function('DOMNode &$e,$i,&$m,&$a,CSSQuery &$c', '$r = $c->xpath->query("./preceding-sibling::*", $e); return $m && isset($m[3]) && trim($m[3]) ? CSSQuery::find(trim($m[3]), $r) : $r;'), //get the nextSiblings of the current element "next-siblings" => create_function('DOMNode &$e,$i,&$m,&$a,CSSQuery &$c', '$r = $c->xpath->query("./following-sibling::*", $e); return $m && isset($m[3]) && trim($m[3]) ? CSSQuery::find(trim($m[3]), $r) : $r;'), //get all the siblings of the current element "siblings" => create_function('DOMNode &$e,$i,&$m,&$a,CSSQuery &$c', '$r = $c->xpath->query("./preceding-sibling::* | ./following-sibling::*", $e); return $m && isset($m[3]) && trim($m[3]) ? CSSQuery::find(trim($m[3]), $r) : $r;'), //select the header elements "header" => create_function('DOMNode &$e', 'return (bool)preg_match("/^h[1-6]$/i", $e->tagName);'), //form element selectors "selected" => create_function('DOMNode &$e', 'return $e->hasAttribute("selected");'), //any element that would be considered input based on tagName "input" => create_function('DOMNode &$e', 'return stristr("|input|textarea|select|button|", "|" . $e->tagName . "|") !== false;'), //any input element and type "radio" => create_function('DOMNode &$e', 'return CSSQuery::inputFilter($e, "radio");'), "checkbox" => create_function('DOMNode &$e', 'return CSSQuery::inputFilter($e, "checkbox");'), "file" => create_function('DOMNode &$e', 'return CSSQuery::inputFilter($e, "file");'), "password" => create_function('DOMNode &$e', 'return CSSQuery::inputFilter($e, "password");'), "submit" => create_function('DOMNode &$e', 'return CSSQuery::inputFilter($e, "submit");'), "image" => create_function('DOMNode &$e', 'return CSSQuery::inputFilter($e, "image");'), "reset" => create_function('DOMNode &$e', 'return CSSQuery::inputFilter($e, "reset");'), "button" => create_function('DOMNode &$e', 'return CSSQuery::inputFilter($e, "button");'), "text" => create_function('DOMNode &$e', 'return CSSQuery::inputFilter($e, "text");'), //limiting filter "has" => create_function('DOMNode &$e,$i,&$m,&$a,CSSQuery &$c', 'return count($c->query($m[3], $e)) > 0;'), //text limiting filter "contains" => create_function('DOMNode &$e,$i,&$m,&$a,CSSQuery &$c', 'return strstr($e->textContent, preg_replace("/^\s*([\'\"])(.*)\\\\1\s*$/", "\\\\2", $m[3]));'), "Contains" => create_function('DOMNode &$e,$i,&$m,&$a,CSSQuery &$c', 'return stristr($e->textContent, preg_replace("/^\s*([\'\"])(.*)\\\\1\s*$/", "\\\\2", $m[3]));'), //positional selectors for the current node-set "first" => create_function('DOMNode &$e,$i', 'return $i === 0;'), "last" => create_function('DOMNode &$e,$i,&$m,&$a', 'return $i === (count($a) - 1);'), "lt" => create_function('DOMNode &$e,$i,&$m', 'return $i < $m[3];'), "gt" => create_function('DOMNode &$e,$i,&$m', 'return $i > $m[3];'), "eq" => create_function('DOMNode &$e,$i,&$m', 'return $i === intval($m[3]);'), //works like nth-child on the currently selected node-set "nth" => create_function('DOMNode &$e,$i,&$m', '$expr = preg_replace("/\s+/", "", strtolower(trim($m[3]))); //these selectors select all so dont waste time figuring them out if ($expr == "n" || $expr == "n+0" || $expr == "1n+0" || $expr == "1n") { return true; } //even numbered elements elseif ($expr == "even" || $expr == "2n" || $expr == "2n+0") { return $i % 2 == 0; } //odd numbered elements elseif ($expr == "odd" || $expr == "2n+1") { return $i % 2 != 0; } //positional - a negative position is not supported elseif (preg_match("/^([\+\-]?\d+)$/i", $expr, $mat)) { return $i == intval($mat[1]); } //grouped according to a position elseif (preg_match("/^([\+\-]?\d*)?n([\+\-]\d+)?/i", $expr, $mat)) { $a = (isset($mat[2]) && $mat[2] ? intval($mat[2]) : 0); $b = (isset($mat[2]) && $mat[2] ? intval($mat[2]) : 1); return ($a == 0 && $i == $b) || ($a > 0 && $i >= $b && ($i - $b) % $a == 0) || ($a < 0 && $i <= $b && (($b - $i) % ($a * -1)) == 0); } return false; '), ), 2); /** * create a default array of attribute filters * * <code> * //prototype function (DOMNode $element, string $attributeName, string $value = '', array $matches, array $context=array()); * CSSQuery::$attributeFilters['>'] = create_function('', ''); * * </code> */ CSSQuery::$attributeFilters = new RecursiveArrayIterator(array( //hasAttribute and/or attribute == value "" => create_function('&$e,&$a,&$v=null', 'return $e->hasAttribute($a);'), //hasAttribute and/or attribute == value "=" => create_function('&$e,&$a,&$v=null', 'return $e->hasAttribute($a) && $e->getAttribute($a) == $v;'), //!hasAttribute or attribute != value "!=" => create_function('&$e,&$a,&$v', 'return !$e->hasAttribute($a) || $e->getAttribute($a) != $v;'), //hasAttribute and the attribute begins with value "^=" => create_function('&$e,&$a,&$v', 'return $e->hasAttribute($a) && substr($e->getAttribute($a), 0, strlen($v)) == $v;'), //hasAttribute and the attribute ends with value '$=' => create_function('&$e,&$a,&$v', 'return $e->hasAttribute($a) && substr($e->getAttribute($a), -strlen($v)) == $v;'), //hasAttribute and the attribute begins with value . - "|=" => create_function('&$e,&$a,&$v', 'return $e->hasAttribute($a) && substr($e->getAttribute($a), 0, strlen($v) + 1) == $v."-";'), //hasAttribute and attribute contains value "*=" => create_function('&$e,&$a,&$v', 'return $e->hasAttribute($a) && strstr($e->getAttribute($a), $v);'), //special //hasAttribute and attribute contains value - case insensitive "%=" => create_function('&$e,&$a,&$v', 'return $e->hasAttribute($a) && stristr($e->getAttribute($a), $v);'), //hasAttribute and the attrributes value matches the given PCRE pattern "@=" => create_function('&$e,&$a,&$v', 'return $e->hasAttribute($a) && preg_match($v, $e->getAttribute($a));'), ), 2); ?>