// vi: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4 nowrap nu:
* @author: j0inty.sL
* @email: [email protected]
$strRootPath = dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
require_once( $strRootPath ."pop3.class.php5.inc");
echo $strRootPath ."pop3.class.php5.inc";
// Socket Options
* Remember that the encryption support doesn't work at time for the socket extension
* This will I implement later.
$bUseSockets = FALSE;
$bUseTLS = TRUE;
$bIPv6 = FALSE;
$arrConnectionTimeout = array( "sec" => 10,
"usec" => 500 );
// POP3 Options
$strProtocol= "tls";
$strHost = "pop.gmail.com";
$intPort = 995;
$strUser = "test21";
$strPass = "test32";
$bAPopAutoDetect = TRUE;
$bHideUsernameAtLog = FALSE;
// Logging Options
$strLogFile = "php://stdout";//$strRootPath. "pop3.log";
// EMail store Sptions
$strPathToDir = $strRootPath."mails" .DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
$strFileEndings = ".eml";
// Instance the POP3 object
$objPOP3 = new POP3( $strLogFile, $bAPopAutoDetect, $bHideUsernameAtLog, $strProtocol, $bUseSockets );
// Connect to the POP3 server
// Logging in
$objPOP3->login($strUser, $strPass);
// Get the office status
$arrOfficeStatus = $objPOP3->getOfficeStatus();
* This for loop store the messages under their message number on the server
* and mark the message as delete on the server.
for($intMsgNum = 1; $intMsgNum <= $arrOfficeStatus["count"]; $intMsgNum++ )
$objPOP3->saveToFileFromServer($intMsgNum, $strPathToDir, $strFileEndings);
// $objPOP3->deleteMsg($intMsgNum);
// Send the quit command and all as delete marked message will remove from the server.
// If you deleted many mails it could be that the +OK response will take some time.
// Disconnect from the server
// !!! CAUTION !!!
// - this function does not send the QUIT command to the server
// so all as delete marked message will NOT delete
// To delete the mails from the server you have to send the quit command themself before disconnecting from the server
catch( POP3_Exception $e )
// Your next code