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How PHP 7 Can Help You Write Better Tests

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With the introduction strict type hinting, PHP 7 will creating more robust tests that will help us to develop better quality code.

Read this article to learn how you can write more robust tests in practice with the help of strict type hinting.

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Return Type Declarations and Scalar Type Hints

Advantages of Type Hinting in Function Declarations

Examples Applied to Tests


Return Type Declarations and Scalar Type Hints

Following the last post about this subject, now we can see how this improvement will help us to write better code, more understandable and easier to create more robust tests.

With PHP 7, when reading the declaration of a function, the developer knows exactly what the function expects. But, without this improvement we could only figure out the parameters through the PHPdoc, or maybe the name of the function or its parameters, i.e.: a function called sum will expect two numeric parameters, and a function convertToHtml will return a string, a parameter called $content or $text probably holds an string, whilst an $int parameter will hold an integer.

But, what happens if the program fails and sends a string when the function expects an integer? Now, with this improvement we no longer have to guess.

Advantages of Type Hinting in Function Declarations

Lets see a couple of sample codes and how we can use this new improvement to our benefit:

class Math
  public static function factorial(int $number): int{
    if ($number < 0){
      throw new Exception( “factorial expects a positive number” );
    if (1 >= $number){
      return 1;
      return self::factorial( $number - 1) * $number;

The first thing we have gained with type declarations is that we do not need to check if the parameters are non-numerical, because it is not allowed. If you pass an incorrect type PHP throws a type exception when the code is executed.

Another advantage is that we no longer need to have PHPDoc. Personally, I prefer to have this extra information, but some colleagues sure will be thankful not having to write this kind extra documentation.

In addition: with the strict_types=1 declaration. Math::factorial("1"); throws an Exception, but works fine in weak mode, as expected.

When you write the tests, you no longer have to need to write code to check the types manually. In other words: if the function does not accept a string, we do not have to check this case.

Maybe the above explanation will be more clear with an example:

In strict mode:


require_once __DIR__."/../Math.php";

class MathTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
  public function testFactorial()
    $this->assertEquals(5 * 4 * 3 * 2, Math::factorial(5) );
     Math::factorial(8) * 9,
     Math::factorial(9) );

Factorial test strict

In weak mode:


require_once __DIR__."/../Math.php";

class MathTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
  public function testFactorial()
    $this->assertEquals( 5 * 4 * 3 * 2, Math::factorial(5));

    $this->assertEquals( Math::factorial(8) * 9, Math::factorial(9) );

  public function testFactorialWeak()
    $this->assertEquals( 4 * 3 * 2, Math::factorial("4") );

Factorial test weak

Examples Applied to Tests 

declare(strict_types=1);  // local file calls are strict-type checked

class HtmlHelper
  protected static function arrayToList(array $items, bool $ordered): string
    $result = $ordered ? '<ol>' : '<ul>';
    foreach( $items as $item ) {
      $result .= sprintf( '<li>%s</li>', $item );
    $result .= $ordered ? '</ol>' : '</ul>';

    return $result;

  public static function arrayToUnsortedList( array $items ): string
    return self::arrayToList($items, false);

  public static function arrayToOrderedList( array $items ): string 
    return self::arrayToList($items, true);

The idea with this simple code is to have string return type and local calls inside the same PHP file. As I explained in my previous article, the declaration of strict_types=0|1 must be at the beginning of the file. It only affects the calls invoked in the file where this declaration is.


require_once __DIR__."/../HtmlHelper.php";

class MathTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
  static $data;
  static $itemsNumber;

  public static  function setUpBeforeClass()
    self::$data = array('first element', 'second element', 'third element');
    self::$itemsNumber = count(self::$data);

  public function testArrayToUnsortedList()
    $result = HtmlHelper::arrayToUnsortedList( self::$data );
    $this->assertEquals( self::$itemsNumber, substr_count( $result, '<li>' ));
    $this->assertEquals( self::$itemsNumber, substr_count($result, '</li>' ));
    $this->assertEquals( 1, substr_count($result, '<ul>') );
    $this->assertEquals( 1, substr_count($result, '</ul>') );

  public function testArrayToOrderedList()
    $result = HtmlHelper::arrayToOrderedList( self::$data );
    $this->assertEquals( self::$itemsNumber, substr_count($result, '<li>') );
    $this->assertEquals( self::$itemsNumber, substr_count($result, '</li>') );
    $this->assertEquals( 1, substr_count($result, '<ol>') );
    $this->assertEquals( 1, substr_count($result, '</ol>') );

As the HTML helpers always return a string, we do not have to check this case and we can limit our test to the main functionality.

Html helper test result

To give more concrete example, I have retrieved a class from a repository of mine in github and tried to convert it to use strict typing to demonstrate its benefits.

The little class calculates the distance between two points of the earth.

My Point class before to convert to strict typing:


namespace JLaso\Gps;

 * Class Point
 * @package JLaso\Gps
 * @author Joseluis Laso <>

class Point
 /** @var float */
 protected $longitude;
 /** @var float */
 protected $latitude;

  * @param float $latitude
  * @param float $longitude
 function __construct($latitude, $longitude)
  $this->latitude  = $latitude;
  $this->longitude = $longitude;

  * @param float $latitude
 public function setLatitude($latitude)
  $this->latitude = $latitude;

  * @return float
 public function getLatitude()
  return $this->latitude;

  * @param float $longitude
 public function setLongitude($longitude)
  $this->longitude = $longitude;

  * @return float
 public function getLongitude()
  return $this->longitude;

  * @param Point $point
  * @return float
 public function distanceTo(Point $point)
  return Tools::distance($this->getLatitude(), $this->getLongitude(), $point->getLatitude(), $point->getLongitude());

Applying strict typing


namespace JLaso\Gps;

 * Class Point
 * @package JLaso\Gps
 * @author Joseluis Laso <>

class Point
 /** @var float */
 protected $longitude;
 /** @var float */
 protected $latitude;

 function __construct(float $latitude, float $longitude)
  $this->latitude  = $latitude;
  $this->longitude = $longitude;

 public function setLatitude(float $latitude)
  $this->latitude = $latitude;

 public function getLatitude(): float
  return $this->latitude;

 public function setLongitude(float $longitude)
  $this->longitude = $longitude;

 public function getLongitude(): float
  return $this->longitude;

 public function distanceTo(Point $point): float
  return Tools::distance($this->getLatitude(), $this->getLongitude(), $point->getLatitude(), $point->getLongitude());

I have created a new  tag (1.1) to illustrate the improvements.

To focus our attention onto the main subject here are the differences in the Point class:

Point class diffs between releases

This was easy. I have just removed the PHPDoc comments and added type hints for parameters and return values.

The same thing happened for the main class named Tools.

The original code:


namespace JLaso\Gps;

 * Class Tools
 * @package JLaso\Gps
 * @author Joseluis Laso <>

class Tools

  * @param $latitude1
  * @param $longitude1
  * @param $latitude2
  * @param $longitude2
  * @return float distance between coordinates in kilometers
  * @throws \Exception
 public static function distance($latitude1, $longitude1, $latitude2, $longitude2)
  if(!is_numeric($latitude1) || !is_numeric($longitude1) || !is_numeric($latitude2) || !is_numeric($longitude2)){
     throw new \Exception( "distance can not be calculated with non numerical values!" );
  // normalize values
  $latitude1  = floatval($latitude1);
  $longitude1 = floatval($longitude1);
  $latitude2  = floatval($latitude2);
  $longitude2 = floatval($longitude2);

  $dLatitude  = ($latitude2 - $latitude1) / 2;
  $dLongitude = ($longitude2 - $longitude1) / 2;
  $tmp        = sin(deg2rad($dLatitude)) * sin(deg2rad($dLatitude)) +
                 cos(deg2rad($latitude1)) * cos(deg2rad($latitude2)) * sin(deg2rad($dLongitude)) * sin(deg2rad($dLongitude));
  $aux        = asin(min(1, sqrt($tmp)));

  return round(12745.9728 * $aux, 4);

  * @param $value
  * @return float
 public static function toMiles($value)
  return 0.621 * $value;

The converted code:


namespace JLaso\Gps;

 * Class Tools
 * @package JLaso\Gps
 * @author Joseluis Laso <>

class Tools
 public static function distance(float $latitude1, float $longitude1, float $latitude2, float $longitude2): float
  $dLatitude  = ($latitude2 - $latitude1) / 2;
  $dLongitude = ($longitude2 - $longitude1) / 2;
  $tmp        = sin(deg2rad($dLatitude)) * sin(deg2rad($dLatitude)) +
               cos(deg2rad($latitude1)) * cos(deg2rad($latitude2)) * sin(deg2rad($dLongitude)) * sin(deg2rad($dLongitude));
  $aux        = asin(min(1, sqrt($tmp)));

  return round(12745.9728 * $aux, 4);

 public static function toMiles(float $value): float
  return 0.621 * $value;

And the differences:

Tools class diffs between releases

In this last case, the changes are more important, because we do not need to convert parameters to float anymore.

And finally, for the PHPunit tests we only to add the declare(strict_types=1); at the beginning of each test. Checking the special case of receiving other than float is not needed anymore.

The original test suite:


use JLaso\Gps\Tools;

class ConversionTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
 function testKilometersMilesConversion()
  $this->assertEquals(0.621, Tools::toMiles(1));
  * source:
  * Paris/Madrid  1.052,69 km   #1 Paris (48.856667,2.350987)  #2 Madrid (40.416691,-3.700345)
 function testParisMadridDistance()
  $distance = Tools::distance(48.856667, 2.350987, 40.416691, -3.700345);
  // Let assume the result it's okay if the error of calculated distance is less than 1/1000  (1km)
  $this->assertLessThan(1.052, abs(1052.69 - $distance));

  // now use the indirect method to calculate distance in the same conditions
  $madrid = new Point( 40.416691, -3.700345 );
  $paris = new Point( 48.856667, 2.350987 );

  $this->assertLessThan(1.052, abs(1052.69 - $madrid->distanceTo($paris) ));

  * @expectedException \Exception
 function testException()
  $distance = Tools::distance('a', 'b', 'c', 'd');

The converted one:


use JLaso\Gps\Tools;

class ConversionTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
 function testKilometersMilesConversion()
  $this->assertEquals(0.621, Tools::toMiles(1));
  * source:
  * Paris/Madrid  1.052,69 km   #1 Paris (48.856667,2.350987)  #2 Madrid (40.416691,-3.700345)
 function testParisMadridDistance()
  $distance = Tools::distance(48.856667, 2.350987, 40.416691, -3.700345);
  // Let assume the result it's okay if the error of calculated distance is less than 1/1000  (1km)
  $this->assertLessThan(1.052, abs(1052.69 - $distance));

  // now use the indirect method to calculate distance in the same conditions
  $madrid = new Point( 40.416691, -3.700345 );
  $paris = new Point( 48.856667, 2.350987 );

  $this->assertLessThan(1.052, abs(1052.69 - $madrid->distanceTo($paris)));



Strict type hinting is definetly a great progress for PHP that will allow us to write more robust code with less effort to write tests.

If you would like to try my examples yourself, you can find the code in my php7-strict-types-testing repo.

What do you think? Do you think PHP 7 strict typing will also help you write more robust code? What other advantages (or disadvantages) do you see? Just post a comment with your thoughts.

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2. integers are acceptable as float input - chrisp (2016-05-29 23:53)
Note that an integer will be acceptable for float type-hinting.... - 1 reply
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1. They just broke PHP - Stefan Jibrail Froelich (2015-04-01 18:35)
I believe this is the first step in breaking PHP.... - 6 replies
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