Author: Manuel Lemos
Viewers: 1
Categories: PHP Innovation Award
The JSClasses site is going to replicate the success of the PHP Programming Innovation Award organized by the PHPClasses site in order to provide more recognition and prizes to developers that submit innovative components.
The JavaScript Innovation Award is not yet started but can start soon with your help.
Read this note to learn more about this new award and what you can do to help getting it started sooner rather than later.
The JavaScript Innovation Award is not yet started but can start soon with your help.
Read this note to learn more about this new award and what you can do to help getting it started sooner rather than later.
The PHPClasses site has been organizing the PHP Programming Innovation Award every month since 2004.
The goal is to encourage developers to submit more innovative components, and so making the site more useful to everybody. In exchange, authors are distinguished by getting more recognition and earning interesting prizes for their innovative submissions.
This initiative worked so well over the years in the PHPClasses site that it will be started in the JSClasses site to also encourage developers to submit more innovative JavaScript objects.
However, the JavaScript Innovation Award cannot be started yet because the site does not have as many packages as the PHPClasses site had when the PHP Innovation Award is started. Otherwise most submissions would be considered innovative and the innovative authors would not be distinguished as they should.
Therefore it was just started the JavaScript Innovation Award Challenge that consists in encouraging the authors to submit as many useful packages as possible until a goal of a minimum number of packages is published in the JSClasses site.
The top submitters of this challenge phase can still earn a symbolic prize for helping the site reach the goal sooner rather than later.
Read the article about the JavaScript Innovation Award Challenge in the JSClasses site to learn more about the details of this initiative and what you can do to participate and qualify to get your own challenge prize.
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